Skills & Education:
- Education: Bachelor of Hotel and RestaurantManagement
- Favorite lessons:Physical Education, Music, Literature
- Languages spoken:Ukrainian, Russian, English,German,Spanish
- Present occupation:Senior manager
Additional Questions:
What were your childhood dreams?
To become a professional gymnast
What is your favorite book and/or author?
To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee
What is your favorite movie?
The Art of Racing in the Rain Simon Curtis
Which countries have you visited?
Poland, France, Italy, Spain, Germany
What is/are your goal(s) in life?
Make my daughter happy
Who are your idols, heroes, and heroines?
Coco Chanel, she has gone the hard way to achieve
Which words describe your personality?
Сheerful, sociable, hardworking
Describe your strong and weak sides:
+patient, persevering
Donor: 210041-ShJ290696
Blood Type: AB RhD positive (AB+)
Hair type: Wavy
Eyes shape: Round Eyes
Face shape: Oval
Forehead: Average
Nose: Medium
Nose shape: Straight
Lips: Plump
Ears: Medium
Body type: Hourglass
Size of сlothes (EUR): 40
Skin colour: Tanned
Breast size: 80
Breast volume: CPreferences
Favourite colour:Blue, green, violet,black, white, lavander, navy blue
Favourite dishes:Soup, pizza, chiken,avocado toast ,salad
Favourite season:Summer, spring
Favourite holiday:New Year, Women`sday, Valentine`s Day
Favourite kind of sport:Cycling,boxing, dancing, skating, gymnastics,tennis
Favourite musical style:Dance, pop,jazz music
Medical History & Family Tree
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Donor's Emotional Intelligence Test results
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