Skills & Education:
- Education:Master of Education in Pedagogy
- Favorite lessons:Languages, art, literature, history
- Languages spoken:Ukrainian, English, Russian, Japanese
- Present occupation:Teacher
Additional Questions:
What were your childhood dreams?
To learn Japan language
What is your favorite book and/or author?
Harry Potter
What is your favorite movie?
Alone at home
Which countries have you visited?
What is/are your goal(s) in life?
To learn Japanese language, visit relatives in Japan
Who are your idols, heroes, and heroines?
Oprah Winfrey- the woman who built her dream career
Which words describe your personality?
Love to children, love of languages
Describe your strong and weak sides:
+ big love and resistant to any problems
- emotional and empathetic
Donor: 220017-LV100801
Blood Type: В RhD positive (В+)
Hair type: Straight
Eyes shape: Round Eyes
Face shape: Oval
Forehead: Average
Nose: Medium
Nose shape: Сonvex
Lips: Thin
Ears: Small
Body type: Hourglass
Size of сlothes (EUR): 34
Skin colour: Pale
Breast size: 75
Breast volume: APreferences
Favourite colour:Violet, black
Favourite dishes:Pizza, pasta, ice cream
Favourite season:Summer
Favourite holiday:New Year
Favourite kind of sport:Dancing
Favourite musical style:Dance, popmusic.
Medical History & Family Tree
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Donor's Emotional Intelligence Test results
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